Orange Dragon Hatchling

A Dragon Hatchling painted with an orange and teal color scheme, remniscent of the Pokémon, Charizard.

I painted this mini as a gift for my partner, so I decided to paint it orange, instead of a traditional forest color like green, as it’s my partner’s color. Being such a small mini, the details were very straining to paint. I individually painted each scale, and while it turned out nice, it was a bit straining to accomplish.

This was my first time painting a metal miniature, which was...interesting. After gluing the wings on, I broke them off three times through the painting process. Not sure I’m a fan of the brittleness of metal minis.

Since the mini was on a random rocky shape, I decided to clue the mini onto a 1-inch wood disc for a base. I then blended the terrain with some Milliput epoxy, and covered it in grass, using Army Painter Field Grass and a few Vallejo grass tufts. I painted the base and even the grass with the same teal as the wings, to try and limit my color palette, as well as bring everything together.

Overall, I think the miniature turned out great. For having such small details, I was able to cleanly paint most of them, including the tiny teeth and eyes. I don’t think I’d paint a small metal miniature again, though, as it was too small to pin the parts together, and super glue didn’t hold the best.